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Overcoming the Odds

Meet Len Elliot, the first ever above knee amputee to pass the QLD Police Force Functional Capacity Test

Len Elliot is a Queensland Police Officer that was hit by a motorcycle during an RBT on the 14th April 2014 on the Sunshine Coast. The motorcycle was travelling at 180 km/h and the impact resulted in Len becoming an above knee amputee.

Such a life changing event would have made many people think of a career change. However, Len is not like most people.

The first prosthesis was fitted to Len in October of 2014, he could walk with the prosthesis however felt that he was not reaching his full potential.

In March 2016, a new team began working with Len. The new team was comprised of Saul Geffen (Rehabilitation Specialist), Jacqui O’Sullivan (Physiotherapist) and the team at OAPL prosthetics in Brisbane. Working closely with Gabriel form Work Cover and Sue form the Queensland Police a new plan was established.

A new prosthesis was fitted and a new gait training program commenced. Len experienced an immediate improvement. He became more active, started running and cycling again. The improvement was so great that he began competing regularly in triathlons towards the end of 2016.

On the 7th of March 2017, Len Elliot became the first above knee amputee to pass the Functional Capacity Test in Queensland, a requirement if he is to return to active duty in the Police force.

Undoubtedly the effort has come predominately from himself, however as Len stated, he has not worked in ‘isolation” and this achievement would not have been possible without the support from the professionals he began with early in 2016.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours Len and congratulations on your amazing achievements so far!

